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How do you watch football?

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:59 pm
by Shogun
Manage to watch every Everton match, unfortunately not in person the majority of the time.

Would say I watch about 50% of the PL matches that are on TV or I'll catch parts of them rather than the whole thing. Champions League if there's a decent match. Don't bother with the other two European competitions.

At the moment not watching any non-English league and never watch international football outside the tournaments.

Also try my best to avoid the punditry segments (i.e. The likes of the build-up and post match chat). Think there's way too much of that these days and although most of them are ex-footballers, they don't really know more about a specific club than the average fan does.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:37 pm
by Brownie
Only really watch us - in person between 10-15 times a season depending on having the kids and then every game on streaming/Sky etc.

Don’t watch much other football these days other than Wales internationals. Watch as much rugby as I can though

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 12:43 am
by biziclop
Everton and Hungary, the odd gander at how England or Scotland are doing, that's about it.

I know it's anathema to admit this on a football forum but I just got bored with football.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 12:49 am
by Cods
Watch Everton:
00.15% in person
99.85% live on TV and/or on full match replay/ extended highlights the next day

Attempting to redress the deteriorating imbalance.

Watch internationals, A League, and local stuff as much as is feasible.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:53 am
by Audrey Horne
I am an absolute loser.

I watch all Everton games obviously. Get to the game in person much less, due to financial restraints and difficulty getting tickets, as well as it being sad to be there, since my dad died

But i also watch pretty much every game on TV as well.

I watch every weekend match that is on TV. I will also watch the games in Champs League / Europa, mid week.

I will watch England games but not really other internationals.

Basically, i watch too much football probably. Poor Roxy.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 8:24 am
by AjaxAndy
TV via American or asian channels... Not been to a match since Moyes left.

My kid is desperate to go to a match though so at some point will start going again occasionally.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 1:04 pm
by Escalator
Everton , bit like Brownie, 12-15 matches at GP other Everton matches live on TV, sometimes at home, sometimes in the pub.
If there’s a decent stream will watch relegation contenders matches live, Watch England with no great enthusiasm unless in the finals. Wales (wife) and Scotland if Patto playing.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 1:47 pm
by Bluedylan1
Watch every Everton game, never in person anymore. Used to be a few times a season, but always on TV now. I also devour most Everton podcast and media material.

Watch a lot of the Prem, when I can, although I don't organise my time around it. If I'm home at the weekend, I'll watch most of the matches that are on TV. It's probably anathema to say it on here, but I really like football and I really enjoy watching it. Some of the issues around football are grim and depressing (the money etc), but I still really love the game.

Watch one or two of the best Champs League games per week, and watch a bit of Serie A, although not as much as last season.

Never watch England. Couldn't give a fuck about them.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 1:56 pm
by Fynci
I live overseas and haven't been to Goodison since the late 90s. I've seen us play a couple of friendlies against Blackpool since then. I watch the games online.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:21 pm
by 4evablu
season ticket holder so go to about 95+% of home games and about 80-85+% away games. It's work that stops me going but getting easier as i get older to turn work down.
Very rarely watch Football on TV cant stand the punditry and all the chat before and after games especially after " what they should of done was" the tits. Would rather watch it in the flesh as you can see more of the game than on telly

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:05 pm
by MayorFarnham
Go to home games, listen to aways on radio. Watch about a fifth of non efc games on telly compared to 5-10 years ago.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:30 am
by Goaljira
Watch nearly all our games on the TV unless family commitments intervene. Will have decent looking prem matches on in the background whilst playing with daughter or doing house stuff if TV isn't being used. Have had the CL goals show on more this season that actual games, but will start watching the games again once it gets to the knockout rounds. Rarely watch England games outside of a tournament now, and haven't watched more than 10 minutes of any friendly or 'nations league' game for years.

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 9:11 am
by Evertonfc15
watch all everton games on sky when live and watch the matchday highlights which is repeated later in the day
occasionally watch MOTD but only watch evertons matches
watch champions league + europa league on tnt - do not watch the europa conference league
i am an OAP so find the cost restrictive in attending goodison park
i rely on sky to keep in touch with the toffees
im based in crewe

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:44 pm
by weimaranerblues
Ditched IPTV, gone back to live games on satellite, if not on SKY/ TNT then tune in to SuperSport. Plenty of options. Footy all day long at the weekend. Watch some CL games but mainly the KO games. The odd England qualifiers until the main tournament

Re: How do you watch football?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:54 pm
by Bluedylan1
Usually naked