Super League... here we go again

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Re: Super League... here we go again


Not standing up for the big 6 (or big 5 and Spurs as I chuckled at someone calling them on the basis Spurs haven't won a PL or an FA Cup since the PL was invented) in any way but I fail to see how the government could stop this. They aren't nationalised institutions. They are privately owned businesses who can pursue their interests as they see fit. What are the government going to do? If a UK supermarket wants to open up branches around the world, they can. I can't see the difference. Could the govt take possession of the Etihad if City decided to leave the PL and on what basis? I think it's just hot air and bullshit from them.

By contrast I think the PL or even the FA could decide to expel them from competitions and that might have some teeth but this all feels a bit IPL and that eventually money will talk and they'll go. Whether that ends up successful I wouldn't be sure. The CL group stages are hardly enthralling and City for example struggle to sell tickets for them more than other games, and having an extended version of that might not be appealing to anyone.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


Nice bit of irony how we're talking about the evils of clubs leaving for the Super League and immediately suggesting we should get Scottish teams in to replace them.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


cassius wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:34 pm Nice bit of irony how we're talking about the evils of clubs leaving for the Super League and immediately suggesting we should get Scottish teams in to replace them.
Fair point! Only really thought about it from our side, although I'd imagine the Scottish teams supporters may feel similar about if Rangers and Celtic left... Would certainly make the league more competitive.

But yeah, I don't follow Scottish footy so don't know if that's actually the reality of such a situation, and it's easy to forget the implications of bringing them over on their own league system.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


I can't imagine what Sky would pay for SPL coverage that had no Old Firm in it. Not a lot would be my guess.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


If we're talking about Celtic/Rangers joining the premier league as a consequence then I'd like to withdraw my previous support for the super league.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


I'm disgusted by the entire thing, and I'm disgusted by the fans of the Big 6 or whatever slowly talking themselves into this, and justifying it. Just another nail in the coffin for football, and another confirmation of how self-serving a lot of human nature is, when it comes down to it.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


If the big six decide to join a European Super League, then as long as the Premier League expel them completely, let them fucking go!

Yes, there would be a massive reduction in the TV deal for the PL initially. However, who knows how popular this Super League would be with the people that really mtter in football, the fans. Yes, sure there would be massive interest at the very start, with brodcasters crwaming their pants and throwing money at them for the rights to televise every single game. There would probably be massive interest initially from the fans as the excitement of playing in a brand new elite league with a massive wave of publicity and massive games every week. How long will that excitement last though? You can have too mich of a good thing. What is the atmosphere going to be like at these games, as there's not going to be a.massive number of fans who will be able to afford to just jet around Europe every week to follow their team. Initially, rhey would, but for how long? Won't make any difference to Scouse Liverpool fans, as they just sit slobbering and clapping at the telly anyway, but for most of the clubs involved, I'd think the novelty would wear off pretty quickly, especially if they are barred from playing in any other competitions.

It's inevitable that it's going to happen at some point, so fuck them, let them go and expel.them from everything else. Let them all fucking implode into themselves through their greed!
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Re: Super League... here we go again


Yeah I think proper footy fans wouldn't have any interest in the Super League. It'd be all glitz n glamour with the TV companies trying to drum up interest, but once the novelty wore off it'd become all very stale and dull.

You'd get some interest in the proper triple A games, but as a weekly competition most of it would be very meh.

I'd imagine after a couple of years or so it'd be seen as a failure but clubs would be stuck in it because the finances they require to pay the players the crazy wages they've signed up are only available via the Super League.

Whereas in the English top division Everton have just sold out a 55,000 seater stadium for their top of the table clash with Villa and the atmosphere is ferocious 👌
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Re: Super League... here we go again


The clubs won't be going anywhere, so this imagined future of us playing Villa and Brighton for a league title is pure fantasy.

By hook or by crook, they will get what they want eventually. They'll all be staying in the league and it will be even harder for us, and clubs in a similar position, to compete.

Don't for a second believe the 6 clubs coming out against the ESL in the media in the last day or so. They are the same clubs that wanted to form the Super League a couple of years ago, with no promotion or relegation. They will all have been consorting in the meantime, and agreed to come out against it in the media, while working to make it happen in the background.

To quote Chomsky, they are in the process of manufacturing the consent of fans around the world, with empty promises like free to air (that will last one season, before it's heavily monetised). They are pretending that it's a meritocracy, and that promotion and relegation from the ESL will make it fair. The clubs in the top division of the 3 tier system will never be meaningfully relegated. They might go to the 2nd tier, and then they will immediately go straight back up, because they will be at an enormous financial advantage and they will cannibalise the others clubs, or clubs eternally trapped in their own domestic leagues (like us). If a club like Villa or Girona was to win their domestic league, they would enter the 3rd tier of the competition, and would maybe stay there for a season or two at best, and then they would get back in their little box. Meanwhile the elite 14 clubs or whatever, would forever remain entrenched at the top table.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


Yeah the Premier League needs those clubs to remain, so they'll stay in, and the league teams they put out will be better than the strongest 11 the other teams will field.

I imagine that the ESL will play games in Saudi and the Far East regularly, and they'll have all the atmosphere of a pre-season friendly. They'll need to get that balance right because the stadium atmosphere is all part of watching football on the TV for me. The England friendly games where Wembley has the atmosphere of a wake stops me from watching them.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


And the clubs distancing themselves this week is part of their strategy. It'll end up with a 'we had to join otherwise we'd be left behind' scenario.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


Balague being paid off by the big Spanish clubs to support this isn’t a particular surprise

Although how he envisages teams playing two full leagues rather than one league and some cups is less workload for players is quite baffling
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Re: Super League... here we go again


I wonder if one of the trade offs for these clubs for example Chelsea or City staying in the PL, might be getting rid of these pesky FFP restrictions ...
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Re: Super League... here we go again


My brother in law reckons this is all linked to our large points deduction.

He said that our massive points award means that the only deductions possible for City and Chelsea would make not relegating them by at least one league impossible. And this was deliberate to allow a super league exit to be possible. He also said that once complete, those in the Premier League responsible for pulling the strings on this would miraculously find themselves places on the board for the super league.

The English fans are the ones who cause the most difficulty and negative press so by having two teams with seemingly ‘no choice’ but to go or play in a much lower league, then this softens public view for others to join them because at this point it will be heavily featured how much money City and Chelsea will get and how they will be able to buy any other clubs best players.

It all comes across a bit tin foil hat, mostly because I don’t think the Premier League have anyone capable of such planning and forethought, but I’d be uneasy dismissing it entirely.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


Also as for Celtic and Rangers playing in the Premier League, I don’t think I’d like it as a Celtic or Rangers fan - ridiculous away travel and being seen as sellouts by fellow countrymen. But as a supporter of any other team I might be inclined towards seeing them both fuck off to prevent the inevitable boredom of their annual two-horse race.
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