Super League... here we go again

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Super League... here we go again


European Super League: Uefa and Fifa rules banning breakaway league unlawful, says court:

European Super League: New proposal launched for European competition:

Not long until top level football is completely fucked. Just another vehicle to fund the rich...
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Re: Super League... here we go again


If we could guarantee that they are expelled from their domestic leagues, I'd actually be fine with it.

But it won't be that. It'll be have your cake and eat it. It will continue to exacerbate the gap between rich and poor, and clubs like us will be essentially feeder clubs for the Super Leagues.

They talk about promotion and relegation, but clubs like City, Liverpool etc will have so much money that it will be almost impossible for them to be relegated, and they'll end up treating a lot of their league fixtures like league cup games. The domestic leagues will be completely devalued.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


It'll rumble on for years this.

Bayern and Man Utd so far have come out and distanced themselves from it. Early days and money talks but good to see them do it.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


New proposal says 64 clubs? Doubt they actually have an Idea of who that would be but would that include us?

Curious if our point deduction would affect anyone’s desire to join this if half the prem joined it as well?
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Re: Super League... here we go again


Weirdly I was thinking about a super league the other week, probably after we got our points deduction, and started to think how much better football would be if the super league 6/7 buggered off.

Imagine an English top division where it's teams like us and Villa, add in Ranger and Celtic, old giants like Sheffield Wednesday come back in, Sunderland too... Would feel like proper footy again.

Premier league would cease to exist too as they'd lose all their revenue and power, we'd probably go back to it being the first division and run by the FA again.

Obviously money would drop significantly for the remaining clubs, but you'd see far more youth players blooded and developed as a result.

Honestly would like this to happen asap, think it'd actually be a good thing for the English game to reset and bring in Scottish clubs with some old top tier staples back in the top division.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


*Fingers crossed it happens*

The only real losers from a super league are local fans of the sly 6. You'd hope they'd be banned from the Premier League instantly but as BD says, I don't think that would be the case. However, I think they'd outgrow it after a few years and leave at their own accord in order to milk the super league for all it is. Matches would be played across non-European continents more and more. They'd eventually change their names to the Manchester Red Devils, the Liverpool Reds, the Chelsea Blues, etc. Those clubs as they are now would essentially die and play fewer and fewer matches at their 'home' stadiums every year.

Let's be honest, there's so much greed and money that at some point football is going to implode on itself anyway. It's not like what's happening now is sustainable and I am fed up with everything in this country revolving around the same 6 clubs. I'm all for a bit of a reset in this country. Fuck them.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


Government probably will try and block it because it's an easy we're looking out for the little guy move to help their approval ratings.

Government to bring forward legislation on breakaway competitions
The British Government said that it would bring forward legislation to stop English football clubs joining a breakaway competition.

The statement, from the Department for Media, Culture and Sport, was in response to today's decision from the European Court of Justice ruling that Uefa and Fifa's ban on clubs from joining leagues, such as the European Super League, was unlawful.

“The attempt to create a breakaway competition was a defining moment in English football and was universally condemned by fans, clubs and the Government," read the statement.

“We took decisive action at the time by triggering the fan-led review of football governance, which called for the creation of a new independent regulator for English football.

"We will shortly be bringing forward legislation that makes this a reality, and will stop clubs from joining any similar breakaway competitions in the future.”
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Re: Super League... here we go again


You'd imagine Celtic and Rangers would get an invite to the Euro Super League so we'd have to make do with Hibs and Hearts.

I don't see an upside myself. If the six stay they'll dominate more than they do now, if they go we'll be playing in a version of the Championship and even less attractive to investors because of the increased gap to the very top.

Most galling thing though is if we'd been run properly for the last 40 years we'd be a part of it.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


AjaxAndy wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:26 pm Weirdly I was thinking about a super league the other week, probably after we got our points deduction, and started to think how much better football would be if the super league 6/7 buggered off.

Imagine an English top division where it's teams like us and Villa, add in Ranger and Celtic, old giants like Sheffield Wednesday come back in, Sunderland too... Would feel like proper footy again.

Premier league would cease to exist too as they'd lose all their revenue and power, we'd probably go back to it being the first division and run by the FA again.

Obviously money would drop significantly for the remaining clubs, but you'd see far more youth players blooded and developed as a result.

Honestly would like this to happen asap, think it'd actually be a good thing for the English game to reset and bring in Scottish clubs with some old top tier staples back in the top division.
I struggle to see a utopian outcome for those left behind still.

I think it's more likely most half decent players sit on the benches of the Super League clubs, then after that they basically have a B or feeder team either directly or forming partnerships with clubs still in the domestic competitions.

I don't think you can overstate the greed. They'd not just leave the English league alone, they'd want to dominate and win those leagues too, to use them to get their younger players ready for the Super League, etc and they'd have the funds to do so because their revenues would be so much higher than anyone else in the league.

They'd not want to leave any fans (revenue) behind.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


Reckon it’s only a matter of time before the Saudis become part of European football and do a LIV type league involving sums of money that non of the super six can refuse. Those clubs owners will give a fuck about local supporters, money has well and truly got a stranglehold on the sport and there’s fuck all a government regulator can do about it.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


I mean, an ESL already exists in the guise of the CL.

In the short term, the big boys will continue to use the spector of the ESL as leverage with UEFA to create the kind of CL that suits them.

Domestically, the big clubs see the likes of us as parasites: stealing food out of their mouths and benefiting financially, just by sharing a league with them and taking a disproportionate amount of TV revenue, to boot.

The want it all to themselves and they’ll (eventually) get it.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


MayorFarnham wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 2:11 pm You'd imagine Celtic and Rangers would get an invite to the Euro Super League so we'd have to make do with Hibs and Hearts.

I don't see an upside myself. If the six stay they'll dominate more than they do now, if they go we'll be playing in a version of the Championship and even less attractive to investors because of the increased gap to the very top.

Most galling thing though is if we'd been run properly for the last 40 years we'd be a part of it.

Possibly, but they could instead of being one of the also rans in the super league finally become a force in English football... I'd imagine the latter actually has some pull, especially with fans.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


AjaxAndy wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:03 pm Possibly, but they could instead of being one of the also rans in the super league finally become a force in English football... I'd imagine the latter actually has some pull, especially with fans.
If they get an equal share of the Eure SL money they will have a decent chance of competing. They won't be held back by their domestic league any longer.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


MayorFarnham wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:25 pm If they get an equal share of the Eure SL money they will have a decent chance of competing. They won't be held back by their domestic league any longer.
Tbh I hadn't considered teams having an equal share of the money... I'd imagine they'd all get a certain amount for joining, although the bigger clubs would get more as per LIV golfers... Then they'd all I presume be able to negotiate their own media deals.

It'd highly likely be a very unequal setup and that might not be appealing to some teams.

It's all speculation anyway, I'm just looking for positives of a less money orientated English top flight, of which I feel there would be many, but there's serious downsides too from a financial point of view, and who remained or joined is definitely an unknown.
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Re: Super League... here we go again


AjaxAndy wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:08 pm Tbh I hadn't considered teams having an equal share of the money... I'd imagine they'd all get a certain amount for joining, although the bigger clubs would get more as per LIV golfers... Then they'd all I presume be able to negotiate their own media deals.

It'd highly likely be a very unequal setup and that might not be appealing to some teams.

It's all speculation anyway, I'm just looking for positives of a less money orientated English top flight, of which I feel there would be many, but there's serious downsides too from a financial point of view, and who remained or joined is definitely an unknown.
Yes we don't really know how it will be made up. However, as it stands at the moment the clubs from England, Italy and Spain
actually gain their advantage in the CL because of the money in their domestic leagues. If the domestic leagues were to suffer because of a Europa Super Leagur it may actually even things up at ESL level. To the detriment of the domestic leagues of course. Still, all spectulation at the moment.
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