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Re: Pickford


Escla wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:47 am Plays for Newcastle.
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Re: Pickford


Yet he's comfortably England's no 1, and never made a mistake leading to a goal in his 60-odd games? Record for the longest run of minutes without conceding for his country?

Sure, international footy is different to the Prem, but it shows what he's like as a keeper in front of a better defence, in a different system and different distribution instructions.
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Re: Pickford


He's maybe overrated slightly by us but I'd say that's the result of him being over criticised outside of the club and even now people thinking he's a different keeper for England than Everton or people clamouring for the likes of Butland, Dean Henderson, Ramsdale or Pope when none of them are better than him.
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Re: Pickford


cassius wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 12:44 pm Yet he's comfortably England's no 1, and never made a mistake leading to a goal in his 60-odd games? Record for the longest run of minutes without conceding for his country?

Sure, international footy is different to the Prem, but it shows what he's like as a keeper in front of a better defence, in a different system and different distribution instructions.
Yeah the distribution argument is always a flawed one imo... For years we've told him to punt it 60+ yards towards the touchline so that if we don't win it we either get a throw in or the ball isn't immediately coming straight back at us.

The % of those passes is super low, but it's also super low risk with potential high rewards if we win it and the second ball.

He hits a lot put of play as you'd expect from such a low % play. However for us at times and certainly for England he clips delightful passes out wide to full backs or wide players on the halfway line, which shows his ability on the ball... At least when not playing super low % balls over 2/3 distance of the entire field.

The quick long balls that lose us possession are annoying and I don't think we've ever scored directly from one, but sometimes we win a throw high up, and is about turning the play round quickly to get us up the field and in a dangerous position. Low % again but with rewards for second balls or set pieces high up the pitch.

I think those who think we could replace with an average keeper and not notice much difference are way off, but obviously I've always supported Pickford and have made no attempt to hide that fact.

In fact I'd say changing keepers in general is a total minefield, you only have to look at Chelsea, Arsenal, Man U to see how disruptive and expensive it can be for absolutely no gains, or minimal at best.

Spurs on the other hand have seen success in this regard, but I wouldn't for a moment expect we'd recruit well, or that we'd not see a drop off as a result of buying an inferior keeper.

Have a good keeper? Don't sell him and replace with an inferior one... It's not the number one rule of football, but it should definitely be up there.
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Re: Pickford


Shogun wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 12:53 pm He's maybe overrated slightly by us but I'd say that's the result of him being over criticised outside of the club and even now people thinking he's a different keeper for England than Everton or people clamouring for the likes of Butland, Dean Henderson, Ramsdale or Pope when none of them are better than him.
Yep, all very fair and true imo.

And I don't think anyone's saying we should sell or replace him btw. Just that we over-rate him a bit at times, as you say often fuelled by ludicrous over-criticism of him externally.
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Re: Pickford


I definitely think that we're more keen on defending him because of the stick he gets. I do find it odd that people think he shouldn't play for England when he's never let them down - there isn't a better English keeper available.

It's probably because he's a wind-up merchant? I love that he's a wind-up merchant.

@AjaxAndy 2 mins 30 ish - the only time I can remember Pickford assisting, although I'm sure he's assisted the assister before.

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Re: Pickford


Some good, interesting responses. Still think some are overstating how good he is. But definitely agree with others that a new goalkeeper shouldn't be our priority atm.

I've also felt the urge to defend him when outsiders have come after him, including because I agree that he's done well for England. And i kind of like the fact he is so ridiculous and a wind-up merchant. It is fun.
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Re: Pickford


If we sold him for good money I would be v happy with it, but he's had some big big big games for us
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Re: Pickford


brap2 wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:55 pm If we sold him for good money I would be v happy with it, but he's had some big big big games for us
I don't know where he'd go at this point. Chelsea is probably the best I can think of but not sure he'd fit in there and don't think he'd move that far down South anyway.

I don't rate him because I think he's actually an awful footballer but with Dyche as a manager then you're better off with Pope than Pickford. If we did lose Pickford and Newcastle upgrade then I wouldn't be against it.
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Re: Pickford


Shogun wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:58 pm I don't where he'd go at this point. Chelsea is probably the best I can think of but not sure he'd fit in there and don't think he'd move that far down South anyway.

I don't rate him because I think he's actually an awful footballer but with Dyche as a manager then you're better off with Pope than Pickford. If we did lose Pickford and Newcastle upgrade then I wouldn't be against it.
Wouldn't wanna pay prem premium.

Find some big tall eastern European or something.
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Re: Pickford


I like him as a keeper and I like him as a total shithousery merchant.

He’s batshit crazy but then a lot of decent keepers are.
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Re: Pickford


Shogun wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:58 pm I don't know where he'd go at this point. Chelsea is probably the best I can think of but not sure he'd fit in there and don't think he'd move that far down South anyway.

I don't rate him because I think he's actually an awful footballer but with Dyche as a manager then you're better off with Pope than Pickford. If we did lose Pickford and Newcastle upgrade then I wouldn't be against it.
I think until we sold Pickford and replaced with Pope people wouldn't realise how much of a downgrade that was.

Also Pickford is actually very important if we want to improve as a team with the ball, whereas Pope would see us regress rather than improve in this regard.

Pope is ok, he's kinda average with mistakes in him and shit other than humping it long... If we are asking Dyche to play a more attractive brand of football down the line there's little to be gained by giving him a keeper who can't play out from the back.
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Re: Pickford


Nah. Impossible to overrate.

Most valuable member of the squad.

Earns us more points than all the strikers put together.
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Re: Pickford


The young lad did well.

Really good save towards the end as well even if it was probably creeping wide.

Dealt with everything well and looked a lot more assured than Henderson at the other end who was all over the place
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Re: Pickford


Toddacelli wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:15 am Nah. Impossible to overrate.

Most valuable member of the squad.

Earns us more points than all the strikers put together.

Statistically him and Doucs are probably our most valuable players. We are just lucky that he’s happy in Merseyside.
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