Jack Harrison

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Re: Jack Harrison


Looked like he had some sort of baby oil on his boots yesterday. Control, passing and crossing all very poor. His shot for the goal wasn’t even particularly good, only slightly to the side of Krul.

He works extremely hard, and his effort is unquestionable. But unless we are relegated, I think we can do better in terms of quality. It’s very rare that he has a MOTM game, which for a winger is concerning. McNeil is far more likely to have an 8 or 9/10 game over McNeil, who never seems to get past a 7/10.
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Re: Jack Harrison


AjaxAndy wrote:I have normally been a Garner supporter as I think his defensive work goes unnoticed, however as bad as Harrison was yesterday he wasn't the worst player on the pitch... Thought Garner was somehow about two levels even worse.
Nah, amongst a cornucopia of shite he managed to out-stink everyone. Don’t think I’ve seen so many wayward passes from one player. The worrying thing is that’s 3 games in a row he’s been like that.
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Re: Jack Harrison


As we'd heard from Leeds fans, he seems to disappear for games at a time and occasionally has a good game.

He doesn't seem to link well with anyone which is concerning for me as he's not talented enough to create things on his own.

That being said, he has been involved in a goal/assist every 3 games which is better than any of our other wingers the last few years (McNeil aside).

Don't think we should pay the £15-£20m Leeds want for him though. He's 27, not going to get better than he is.
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Re: Jack Harrison


Really not enjoying this lad in an Everton shirt.

I remember watching him against Villa away in the cup and thinking we had something but he's consistently crap.

But bringing him off and putting Young on just shows where we are as a squad. Horrific really.
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Re: Jack Harrison


Have him central right behind the striker when Doucourés out, or as a sub when defences get tired as he can pick small passes and move and pass intelligently. Im not sure we're using him the best out wide (with our plethora of options)
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Re: Jack Harrison


Unfortunately he’s a squad player at best, thought he was going to bring more than he does. Any idea how long is left on his Leeds contract,I wouldn’t spend more than £8m on him.
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Re: Jack Harrison


Bluebridge wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:35 am Unfortunately he’s a squad player at best, thought he was going to bring more than he does. Any idea how long is left on his Leeds contract,I wouldn’t spend more than £8m on him.
10-15m for me and I'd keep. In a 3 4 2 1

But to send him back, and then to fill the squad where he would otherwise be, who would we realistically get to replace him?

Often players are condemned, get rid, but so often there are no viable alternatives put forward except for the generic and illusory "hungry young player that doesn't cost us any money".

Sorry to use your example for this, but it's something that's done so regularly and has bothered me for a while.

It's OK to criticise a player, but if we do I think we need to pony up with an alternative that satisfies the same or more of the requirements we need.
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Re: Jack Harrison


Shocking player, wouldn't go anywhere near him for £10m
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Re: Jack Harrison


He’s rubbish.

McNeil isn’t at his best this season but he’s still miles ahead of this guy.

You either need pace or great dribbling ability to be a winger.

This lad has neither. A really depressing winger to watch.
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Re: Jack Harrison


He's crap but I think Dobbin looked out of his depth when he came on and Young is horribly shit so he's the best of a very bad bunch unfortunately.
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Re: Jack Harrison


Tbf to Harrison, I think he's looked considerably worse since Godfrey came into the side.

Not that he was good before that but definitely dropped his standards.
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Re: Jack Harrison


I'm gonna go out on a bit of a whim here and defend him a little.

Whilst I'm on board with the masses that he isn't THAT Good he isn't helped by who's on the right hand side with him being shocking.

The whole "should Patterson be starting or not" is another debate that I don't want to carry on in this particular thread but it must be frustrating having to pair yourself with Godfrey down the right.

People go on about Harrison constantly turning into blind allys, I'll admit it's something he does a lot, but he never has any out ball, like ever.

Granted a winger should have the ability to skip past someone with pace or skill which he doesn't do often I believe he'd perform a lot better if he had an actual over lapping right back in the side, basically some one who isn't Ben Fucking Godfrey.

He must be so easy to play against and mark out the game, just stick two men on him as predictably the way we play means he'll never have an out all, embarrassing the amount of time it happens. You could tell in the United game it was getting to him a bit, Godfrey never shows and there was plenty of times where he could have released him and just didn't.

I do believe we would see a better Harrison if Coleman/Patterson where playing as at least they have some nouse of the position.

It's also worth noting that he performs better on the left but he's obviously never gonna displace McNeil there.

His stats shat all over any of our other wingers before we signed him. He shone at Leeds mainly due to the system I'd imagine.

He does go missing at times, blows a bit hot and cold like Leeds fans said he did which is annoying, but I still feel we could be getting a lot more out of him if we have him an actual full back as a partner.

With the squad being the way it is, paper thin, for the right price I'd still sign him, even if it meant he became a squad player as we can deffo do better like.
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Re: Jack Harrison


He was the same before Godfrey played lads.

Stop this please.

He’s an average premier league winger no matter who’s playing behind him.
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Re: Jack Harrison


I did think it was odd that Leeds were willing to loan him out. You'd assume if he was particularly good, you'd want him ripping up Championship defenders and helping you back into the Prem.
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Re: Jack Harrison


TheRam wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:36 pm He was the same before Godfrey played lads.

Stop this please.

He’s an average premier league winger no matter who’s playing behind him.
He is but he isn't AS bad as what we are seeing I don't think.

It's not as if even an over lapping full back would give him a passing option, it would also draw defenders out and allow him more space. He's so easy to mark out of a game, always has 2 men him at all times.

Still think the way we are set up massively stifles him.
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