Financial Fairplay Investigation - Further 2 points deducted.

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What is the lowest amount of points you would feel content with receiving back from the appeal?

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Cereal Killer
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


They’ve recommended no points deduction at all

PL scrabbling around to get out some PR piece on how they aren’t completely incompetent and Richard Masters is retiring, ready to go alongside the announcement

Well I can dream
Big Nevs Vaz
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


This saga is effecting the players and the performances. As much as Dyche is presenting the positive mental messaging around dealing with the here and now how could it not be effecting them. The cracks are definitely beginning to show. How many points is that worth in itself to us over the season.
It does feel like the PL are just sitting on the appeal decision now trying to pick the best time to release it.
We get through this appeal process and then we have to wait until March to hear the second charges decision. Another 4 or 5 matches under our belt not having a clue what is needed in any of these games.
As so many have said before we only have ourselves to blame for a lot of things but this process is a joke.
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


The way the Premier League have handled the whole case has been terrible. And this delay is just further evidence of a lack of procedural process. The fact that it is taking so long to finalise this in a key part of the season is so poor and quite unfair on Everton and the rest of the clubs that will be impacted by the decision.

All of these things should really take place over the summer and any points deductions should be known before the season starts. They could change the financial reporting period for each club to either calendar year or tax year. That would give enough time to analyse each set of reports. For example, if it was done by calendar year, then 2023s results would only potentially impact the following season in 2024/25. There would be a set date for every decision, and the result of any appeal should be known before 31 July of the following year.

It's not difficult stuff, but needs someone who actually cares about financial regulation to go in and provide clear and fair guidance about the entire process. At the moment, the rulebook is missing entire chapters on what clubs should expect.
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


The longer this is dragging on, the more it feels like the whole thing is a massive stitch up job. I think they know that they've well and truly backed themselves into a corner, but Masters is such a narcissist that there's no way he will want to lose face on this matter. If anything, he just wants to turn this into an even bigger dick swinging contest and show the world what a powerful leader he is and how the PL doesn't need any sort of external regulation.

Whatever happens, we're getting shafted.
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


I wonder if the decision will be announced tomorrow after the midweek Premier League games are completed. I doubt the Premier League and the media would want anything to detract from talking about Liverpool and Manchester City.

Apologies, if this has already been mentioned.
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


Is a strange one isn't it. Surely it's all done and dusted, they must know the verdict now.

Unless Masters hasn't got what he wanted and he's just dragging it out to be a prick.
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


The premier league are meant to find out exactly the same time we do. Whole thing is a bloody mess. Maybe it's today..... maybe not. Incompetent
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


Would imagine Palace, Luton and Forrest just as anxious to know tge outcome as us, they should be kicking up a row with the PL.
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


Don't know how reliable this is

But says we will be told today ... t-sources/
Deano Blue Boy
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


HANNU wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:26 pm Don't know how reliable this is

But says we will be told today ... t-sources/

As reliable as 508 teletext on channel 3 (for those who know)
Posts: 1068
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


HANNU wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:26 pm Don't know how reliable this is

But says we will be told today ... t-sources/
Even if it were reliable it says 48 hours from today.
Posts: 197
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


Escla wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:47 pm Even if it were reliable it says 48 hours from today.
They must have gone back and edited the article as it said in the next few hours not 48 hours
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


Big nev is sick of all of it too.
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


Championship season will have started again by the time they finish and release the second appeal/Forest's first appeal
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Re: Financial Fairplay Investigation - Charged again


It's been a joke all this. I can only assume ourselves or the PL are trying to throw a spanner in the works because the appeal concluded over 2 weeks ago now.

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